DDB Unlimited helps Katrina victims

Natural disasters can turn dangerous quickly. Hurricane Katrina devastated the entirety of New Orleans, and most of lower Louisiana and Mississippi. Extensive relief efforts have begun to help the victims of the hurricane. A local company, DDB Unlimited, Inc, located due south of Wynnewood, Oklahoma, has put forth their time and effort to such a cause.

DDB has prepared four of their OD-30DX series cabinets (aluminum outdoor communications enclosures). These four cabinets are being donated to the American Red Cross for the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. Said enclosures will ship to Gulf Port, Mississippi, at which time the Red Cross will install their wireless communications equipment. The enclosures will be deployed in the New Orleans area, where the Red Cross coordinators will utilize them as portable wireless stations for in-field communications. This will allow up to 180 consecutive wireless units to be used for the disaster relief effort.

Dusty Mahorney, Chairman of DDB Unlimited, “felt privileged to be of service in such a small way, as well as having the Wynnewood, Oklahoma area become involved in this effort”.

Several employees volunteered their time and effort to preparing these cabinets for the Red Cross and their relief effort for victims of Hurricane Katrina. For DDB Unlimited and its employees, efforts such as this are common. DDB has been in a partnership with Petrocom of New Orleans for over three years, providing communications solutions (at no cost) to the Mercy Ships, which bring “Hope and Healing” to port areas around the world as floating hospitals, providing health care and emergency responses to those in port towns across the globe. DDB Unlimited employs over twenty-five people in the Wynnewood, Oklahoma area, with more coming aboard as expansion is currently in progress.

DDB is a spiritually oriented company, says CEO Dustin Mahorney. “We are more than willing and honored to be participating in the relief effort.”

DDB Unlimited builds several different enclosures, each one for a general or specific purpose of housing electronic equipment for the communications industry.

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Posted By DDB Unlimited, Inc.

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